The Administrative Process



Communication may be initiated by a parent or student. Liz discusses their needs and explains the program. Choices of subject focused classes or private tutoring or any combination of both will be recommended based on students’ needs. Parents will be directed to the TOD portal and walked through registration. Parents may also opt to directly register themselves and students in the portal. Information required is name, subject/course, cell phone of both parent and student, email for parent and student.



Private one on one sessions are very difficult to get. There is a waiting list for openings as well as cancellations. In the event a regular private opening, that single session opening is offered to a waiting student for that time and day only. Private sessions may also be online (Zoom.) Private sessions, whether in person or online, are on an assigned schedule, day of the week and time. TOD requires a cancellation notice 24 hours in advance or payment will be expected.



Subject Focused Classes are always available. They may be In-person or online (Zoom) and video recording. Scheduling of lessons is done by a published calendar on the TOD portal. Classes are NOT held on a specific week day or time. TOD classes are flexible to best support the CISD course. A calendar can be found on Facebook and Instagram and is sent via portal and TOD messaging app to registered students and parents.



Class schedule is created weekly by Liz with input from all the TOD educators. Calendar times are based upon upcoming exams and quizzes as derived from past experience and feedback from students and parents. Based upon available time some classes will be instructional in nature. Instructional allows students the opportunity to drill down on the subject matter and in some cases give them a head start to what is coming next. Classes are held for most quizzes and all tests, Schedule is published on Thursdays for the upcoming week. TOD educators are very involved with the students and parents and look to them to tell us particular needs and possible CISD calendar changes. It is important to note here that Tutor of Dragons is here to teach the subject and IS NOT a test prep program.



Daily messages are created for the various classes each day and sent to registered students and parents, based on course enrollment. Students and/or parents enroll on the portal for the particular class they want to attend. Attendance method, in person, zoom or recording is confirmed upon class enrollment. Confirmation of enrollment occurs at time of payment on the portal. Once payment is confirmed materials for the class are released.



Class begins at the scheduled time. Attendance is captured via photo image. Students wanting a recorded copy of the class may request it at anytime through the portal. Recordings of the class are posted on the portal within one hour of end of class. Students who attend are provided the recording without charge with the understanding that it will not be shared. Unauthorized sharing will result in payment fines and ultimately expulsion.


We ask to be paid at time of service. Payment is made at time of class enrolment on the portal. Students that were unable to attend a class may purchase a video from the portal.

Should a family face financial hardships, please contact us immediately about continuing your education. Our goal is the overall enrichment of your students’ education rather than any one particular class payment.